Marcy Overflow Rod Mills

Primary Grinding in open End ROD Mills successful since 1919 With MARCYS

THE USE of MARCYS Open End Rod Mills for primary grinding is today receiving considerable attention – rightly so. The open end rod mill is an excellent primary grinder because it is efficient and economical for preparing food to tube or ball mills. Considering the large amount of finished product the open end rod mill can turn out, it is more economical to operate than rolls, secondary crushers etc.

The practice of using open end rod mills for primary grinding is not new. The first MARCY Open End Rod Mill built a 6×12, went to the Montezuma copper Co. at Nacazarl, Sonora, in 1919 where it was first used to test were soon purchased by Phelps-Dodge for use at Montezuma, Golden queen and Tyrone.

At about the same time. Hollinger installed a total of 8 MARCY Open End Rod Mills for the same purpose. Similar installations were made by Teck-Hughes, Lamaque and Fresnillo. Where the Primary product wanted in open circuit grinding ranges between 4 and 20 meah, the MARCY Low Discharge Open End Rod Mill is far more efficient today than twenty years ago–because of important improvements in design of the mill. Mine and smelter supply Co. has a vast resource of experience and operating data on this subject. Free access to this information should be desirable to you if you are considering the use of rod mills for primary grinding.marcy rod mills