BMC Metal Identification (3 replies)

4 years ago
Zandarkoad 4 years ago

Hello all! Was hoping you could help me identify a block of metal. It has the markings:

C2 4200
PN XN 950
160 88.

I'd like to take a sample in for assaying or chemical analysis, but usually they want to know what I'm looking for before performing an analysis. I'd just like to know what is in it, generally. E.g. I don't know what I'm looking for.


4 years ago
David 4 years ago

Rent an XRF

4 years ago
Zandarkoad 4 years ago

Well, the claim was that it was platinum.

I ended up grinding down a few chunks so I had a sample size large enough to take in to a lab for a wet chemical analysis. They only checked for platinum. Results: zero platinum.

I don't know what else is in it. My guess is that it is some kind of carbide.

EG Pepito
3 years ago
EG Pepito 3 years ago

Hello Sir,

Please help me identify this kind of metal with code

160 88

35 C208B

PN XN 950

BMC  1330


Thank you.



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