Flourspar - Acid Grade Flourspar assaying and laboratory analysis (2 replies)

6 years ago
Javad 6 years ago

I'm looking for effective methods of analysing acid grade flourspar.  Any help, ideas or putting me in the right direction to find some information about this, would be greatly appreciated.

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

I found this helpful to me: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/2/jresv2n4p671_A2b.pdf


6 years ago
Javad 6 years ago

Hi SmartDog.  Thanks for the link.  I actually had seen this before and I read it.  

I'm wondering if there is anything more recent out there.  Any new technologies?  I've read about NMR and seems like it's the best way.  Does anyone have any insight on NMR use for acid grade flourspar analysis?  ....Thanks.

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