Gold concentrate formula to estimate price (2 replies)

5 years ago
(unknown) 5 years ago

Can anyone give me some information on how I can calculate the price per ton on gold concentrate i will attach the analysis report 

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago

This is a very local specific issue.  And while it does depend on the assay of your concentrate, location is also very important.  This relates to where you will have to ship your concentrates for further processing, the capacity of the processor and of course the nature and assay of your concentrate. 

A very rough guide, for small operations in remote localities, has been that final recovery will be between 30% to 50% of the values with you receiving about 30% to 50% of the value of the RECOVERD values.  

4 years ago
sbccbalaji 4 years ago

Are you a trader of gold concentrates or a refiner?


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