Handheld XRF Analysis on Magnetite Fe% Variance Between Wet and Dry Sample (2 replies)

2 years ago
BiancaM 2 years ago

I'm using a handheld XRF device for random field analysis in my magnetite plant.

I take a wet magnetite sample from my feed to plant and get a Fe% of 58.72 % but when I let the same sample dry and I measure the Fe% with the same handheld XRF device, I get a Fe% result of 61.79 %. I've done more than one test and the dry magnetite sample is on average 2 % higher than the wet magnetite sample.

Why would there be a Fe% increase on the same material with the only difference being the moisture content? 

Any help would be much appreciated.

rob riggir
2 years ago
rob riggir 2 years ago

Hi Bianca,

The XRF analysis must be done at 0% moisture to get an accurate %Fe result.

Any moisture in the sample will dilute the result.

I have developed a system for accurate hand-held XRF analysis of both Fe and Ni if you are interested. rob.riggir@gmail.com



2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

Let's take a quick look at this, R1 is reading 1, R2 is reading 2.  R1 is made up of S (sample) and W1 (water at reading 1), R2 is made up of S (sample) and W2 (water at reading 2).  If W1 > W2 then R1 < R2 as the porportion of S in the first reading is smaller than second reading.  You always need to factor in the water content.


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