How to measure Rhodium in my Rhodium Tube WD XRF (No replies)

2 years ago
Shaltout 2 years ago

We have S6 Jaguar WD XRF from bruker with rhodium tube,

We use #SmartQuant stadardless calibration coming with the device.

Our goal to measure Rhodium percentage in some paint, Ink and pigment samles.

I attempted to add the Rh k1 line myself to the #SmartQuant to use the know procedure to measure Rh using a brass filter in 50Kv and 16ma 

The problem that we can't add Rh k1 line to our system and showing out a message "the line you are trying to add is not calibrated"

Does that mean standard is required to calibrate this line !? 


How can I solve this issue !? What is the alternative accessable solutions !? 




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