Portable XRF application for fine alluvial gold (1 reply)

3 years ago
rlarue 3 years ago

Hi, I am a geologist exploring some old alluvial workings which have a reported average Au grade of under 1g/m3.  The gold is very fine at under 500 microns and is disseminated within very coarse grained to pebbly alluvial sandstone.  My aim is to undertake a detailed portable XRF survey of these sands along a fresh outcrop with a small sample spacing.  My question is, given the fine nature of the free gold and its relatively low concentration, will the XRF be able to detect and confirm the presence of gold?

3 years ago
Jonas 3 years ago

Hi rlarue,

The low grade won't make XRF accurate but there is an optical analyzer that can do what you are looking for, check:



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