Potash Analysis (1 reply)

6 years ago
n3133 6 years ago

Hi guys,

          I'm interested in learning more about XRF analysis in the potash industry, it would be great if some of the questions can be answered XD

  1. Is XRF analyzer the only type of analyzer used to measure potassium concentration in potash final product(as opposed to clay/ore)?
  2. Can benchtop xrf analyzers work in an outdoor setting(there is roof but no walls) and maintain the same accuracy?
  3. what are some of the XRF analyzer suppliers in North America? 
6 years ago
Siddiquf 6 years ago

Have you considered flame photometry?

Bench top XRF should work in the open shed, but instrument will be damaged if exposed to water. For best results minimize temperature fluctuations around the XRF unit.

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