the role of the Fe nails ine the fluxes (1 reply)

7 years ago
larissos 7 years ago

Good Evening, as a new assayer,

Ι have some questions about the role in Fire Assay Method of "Fe nails" in fluxes

We have two types of fluxes the "A" flux and the "B"flux

Our choice between "A" Flux and "B" Flus  depends on the sample' sulfur content
B flux used for samples containing more than 
10% sulfur and consisting of litharge, sodium carbonate silicate and borax

Before the coating we are adding Iron nails in the sample which their
weight (in grams) depends on the % sulfur content of the sample.
for example: sample weight : 30 grams
IRON NAILS : 10 grams
B Flux weight : 140 grams
KNO3 : 7 grams
(For coating we use  potassium nitrate in crystalline form)

my question is how we can calculate the amount of iron nails?

Thank you very much
With appreciation
7 years ago
.999 7 years ago

From the looks of the formula it seems to be a 1:1 ration of iron to sulfur content.

30 gram sample x .35 % sulfur content = 10.5 grams of sulfur. To this is added 10 grams of nails to convert the sulfur.


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