XRF Analysis Laboratory (4 replies)

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

I want to set-up a XRF analyser based Laboratory. Which XRF X-Ray is best suited for top quality laboratory analysis of Alloys. XRF is a new area for me, I have spent many years on ICPOES and ICPMS

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Since all XRF systems can analyze alloys of some type providing some details about what applications ( alloy types) and importantly what level of precision and accuracy you need to obtain for each of your applications. Since you are new to XRF one difference vs. ICP is the requirement of secondary standards and the application support you will need to get the most out of any piece of equipment. Most WDXRF's can handle most metals applications. You should think about the long term precision and stability of the instrument, how much application support you might need, do you have the calibration standards you need already in the lab and if not can a vendor help you with traceable solutions, service support( since all equipment breaks at some point), how many service engineers and how close to you are they based, software how easy is it for you and your team to use.

I am sure you will get lots of e-mails directly from instrument vendors based on you post, all with stories to tell about the why their instrument is the best, so my advise is to look beyond just the instrument sensitivity when making your decisions and consider the bigger picture since you will likely be living with the instrument for a number of years.

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Take a look at the British Crystallographic Association Industrial Group's website https://sites.google.com/site/bcaxrf/home  There is a range of resources for analysts new to the field and for the more experienced, including a list of XRF instrument suppliers and suppliers of preparation equipment.




Victor Bergman
9 years ago
Victor Bergman 9 years ago

In my opinion the Lab-based XRF System is considered the best one that fulfill the analytical needs of user at lower cost. In market a variety of XRF analyzers is available but it should be choosed taking account the features mentioned as below;

  • It might be having user friendly software for easiest entire operation regarding routine analytical work, developing new application, monitoring the instrument's status, updating the calibration curves variables, statical calculations, routine maintenance,and database management.
  • It must be capable of doing rapid analysis of variety of materials and also has long term stability, precision, accuracy and higher detection efficiency particularly in case of trace element detection.
  • It must includes the digital display showing the current status of operating parameters as well as their lower and higher limit. It should automatically generate warning and prohibit the operation if any parameter beyond the limits.
  • It must has simple sample preparation methods.
  • Package should contain the following provisions ;
  • calibration update standards to update the values of slope and intercept of calibration curves.
  • Monitor samples for removing instrumental drift.
  • Prompt technical support to troubleshoot the hardware and software problems.
  • Operating and service manuals.
  • Availability of Spare parts.
  • Facility of service agreement.
  • Professional Training.

I think these guide lines would be helpful for those who intend to set up a Lab-based XRF system at their labs.

Bob Mathias
9 years ago
Bob Mathias 9 years ago

For analysis of alloys (mostly high atomic no. elements) XRF of any configuration will be suitable unless you require to measure trace contaminants. If only particular category of alloys are to be tested then specifically configured (or custom made as per your requirements of accuracy as David states) for the best fluorescence yield of the expected elements may be designed with suitable anode, detector configuration and geometry. These custom made ones can be factory calibrated for these specific alloys or you may have calibration standards from the manufacturer, or Certifying agencies like NIST etc. You may also use the standardless Fundamental Parameters software available with most vendors for analysis of alloys. Ultimately you have to choose judiciously from a range of products according to your QC requirements or other foreseen requirements.
For trace contaminants a high-end WD-XRF or the latest High-energy Polarized EDXRF (Epsilon-5 or 3, Panalytical) or simply polarized EDXRF may be good options (of course costlier than the direct excitation ones). You can try Panalytical, Spectro-XEPOS, Rigaku or other brands as well. It would be better to go for Peltier cooled detector configurations if you don't want the hassles of liq-N2 cooled ones. The polarized ones are more versatile and you can cover a range of sample types (including alloys, low-atomic no. matrices like soil, sludge, organic, etc.) as well as get the best selective excitation for elements of your choice.
Of course as mentioned above you have to get the best technical support and service support in your region from the vendor.

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