XRF analysis spectrum (1 reply)

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

Hi all, i am still new user of Delta premium XRF I want to know more about the interpretation of the analysis spectrum. Can anyone share with us something from his experiences. thanks alot

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago


Looking at spectra is of key interest at least in two cases:

  • your instrument detects and analyses an unexpected element (one that is not usually found in your geological context, for instance),
  • you have several promising measurements for an element of interest (I assume you are in mineral exploration) and you want to make sure they are reliable.

In both cases, you examine spectra and check for possible interferences from another element near the analysed peaks. This is quite common with XRF but can be overcome in many cases. If you are a beginner with FPXRF, it is a very good habit to do that rather than to report unlikely results. Good luck with these nice instruments !

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