XRF Bluetooth pairing (6 replies and 1 comment)

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

I am looking for the full manual of Delta Premium XRF. I face a problem in the Bluetooth pairing with Trimbel GPS

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Are you using a Juno and ArcPad ?

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

The problem i have faced is, when i am trying to make Bluetooth pairing between XRF analyzer and Trimbel GPS, i did not find the Bluetooth icon in XRF

Then, I navigated to factory setting password (1234) > Misc Setting and “Enable Bluetooth Streaming” and restart the analyzer.

But still the option of enable and disable of Bluetooth dose no appear.

9 years ago
(unknown) 9 years ago

Please tell us what are your expectations from this option. You may simply desire to document the XRF analyses file with X-Y data (send coordinates from the Juo to the XRF). You may also use your GPS to display your XRF results on the map (send analysis results to the GPS and use it as a decision support tool).
Do you use ArcPad on the Juno ? If so, do you plan to use pre-loaded maps of your site on it ?

9 years ago

Apologies for reading too fast your reply. I am not familiar with Discover Mobile. Are you using it in connection with MapInfo ? Does this software allows you to use maps on the field ?
Thanks in advance.

Maya Rothman
9 years ago
Maya Rothman 9 years ago

I have contactedOlympus and here i am pasting their reply:

"Based off the errors, It’s likely the BT hardware got disabled in shipping. By default, in order not to run afoul certain country specific restrictions regard BT, shipping disables BT on a hardware level. Ideally, the unit should not go through this if an Xplorer package or BT functionality is explicitly added to the order, but there have been occasions when this doesn’t happen. The good news is it’s an easily corrected problem. We have a widget that can reactivate the BT hardware.

I can remotely do the reactivation process at the customer’s convenience, or I can send them the reactivation widget along with instructions to use it (in general it’s as simple as plugging in the unit to a PC, running the widget, and pressing “Enable Bluetooth”, then restarting the unit). Also, let me know some of the general Order Information (SO#, etc.) and I can look into why this happened so we can try and correct It for future orders"

9 years ago
David 9 years ago

ExposureNum: Equivalent to beam number (beam 1, beam 2, etc.) ++ See Excel File Attached 

LiveTime/RealTime: Detector live time and total time for test. (Real Time = Dead time + Live time)

-NOTE: The spectra data outputted is total # of counts. If you want to look at the data as a function of count rate (counts per second), simply divide the raw counts in each row by the live time for a given result.

FirstRate/LastRate: Detector count rate on first/last data grab during a test from a given sample. Useful for gauging how fluorescent a sample is under a given beam condition.

9 years ago
David 9 years ago

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