
Compare Hydroxamate AM2 Rinkalore CTC3 Oxide Collectors

In this series of tests aimed  to Compare Hydroxamate Collectors namely: AM2 Rinkalore and CTC3 we now conclude.  All data indicate the CTC3 is a more selective reagent.  In all tests, metallurgy was improved.  Nowhere were the results produced by CTC3 inferior to AM2. Although AM2’s Lab Recoveries can look “attractive”, the AM2 reagent shows problematic to nearly insurmountable practical issues

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Oxide Flotation Collector | Collector for Copper Oxide Ore

In this flotation tests and evaluation for the best collector for copper oxide “ore” 911Metallurgy continues with material that’s 60% Oxide copper. Sample C: 1.7% Copper about 60% Oxide Cu  Rougher Tests: Both reagents appear to behave similarly as the “blue dots” are seemingly a continuation of the trend started by “red dots”. Oxflo and Axis show that the more %Mass

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Flotation by Hydroxamate: OXFLO’s CTC3 vs AXISHOUSE’s AM2 (Rinkalore)

The order of Hydroxamate flotation testing was first OXFLO for 3 days, then AXISHOUSE’s tests were performed 3 weeks later for 7 days. The results of each “Ore Type” or Samples tested by OXFLO (OxF) and AXISHOUSE (AH or Axis) is graphically displayed and evaluated in this report.  Prior to testing their chemicals, each “Ore Type” or Samples was tested

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Hydroxamate for Copper Oxide Flotation

Table of ContentsOresCollectorsFlotationImportance of Mineralogy and Assay Methods Here is a comparison of two Hydroxamate Collectors used for the flotation of Oxide copper, namely CTC3 from OXFLO and AM2 (AKA Rinkalore) from AXISHOUSE.  This report contains a comparison of the scoping test-work done by both suppliers to determine which one is the best Oxide Collector . Test Summary #1 Flotation

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The earlier versions of OXFLOAT CTC3 had been in production since 1972 and currently Oxflo’s manufacturing partner supplies 700 mt of this product to their local market annually. They have a further manufacturing capacity of 800 mt, taking them to a total of 1500 mt per year. Currently OXFLOAT CTC3 has displaced AM2 at one of the African operations, with

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Pb Oxide Floatability & Selectivity VS Sulphidizer Usage

The use of a sulphidizer is common in oxide flotation recovery. Na2S (Sodium Sulfide) can help “activate” oxide minerals behave as sulfides. The tests performed by both vendors showed noticeable technical differences between both reagents. AM2 constantly requires the use of Na2S as its copper activator while CTC3 does not rely on Na2S. This dependence on Na2S causes AM2 to

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Naturally Floating Gold and Silver Lost in Pre-Flotation

It is clear the Pre-Float stage creates much looses in Cu, Au and Ag.   Mineralogy work on this stream would help understand why the metals are naturally floatable using only MIBC.  Knowing the cause of this floatability (chemical, physical or mechanical) would open the opportunity to implement solutions that would increase Cu, Au and Ag Recoveries by reducing their losses

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Copper Oxide Flotation

Continuing with the evaluation of copper oxide flotation using hydroxamate we now evaluate a rock that’s 41% copper oxide with some lead oxide included. Sample B: 1.8% Copper about 41% Oxide Cu Rougher Tests: Unseen in these charts is the order in which the results were obtained. The last/best “Blue” dot (the best data point) was the last test of

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Compare the Benefits of Steel VS Rubber/Poly-Met Mill Liners | When is Steel better than Rubber

When are steel liners better than rubber/poly-met liners in a SAG mill or Ball Mill?  Let’s compare! Rubber Liners are better for abrasion grinding ie: cascade action but not for cataract mills. The graph below shows the increased operating cost of rubber and steel liners as the grinding ball size increases.  Larger mill, larger ball… increases the cost benefit of

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Calculate Slurry Flow / Volume

An example of how you can calculate the slurry flow/volume of a given SG, %Solids and Tonnage. EXAMPLE: 3,400 tons of dry solids is processed in 24 hours in water with a specific gravity of 1.0 and the concentration of solids by weight is 33% with the solids having a specific gravity of 3.7 then using the formula below: Calculate

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Percent Solids to Specific Gravity Conversion of Slurry

Here is the formula for specific gravity of a slurry, S is: S = specific gravity of slurry Si= specific gravity of liquid phase Ss= specific gravity of solids phase Cw = concentration of solids by weight Cv= concentration of solids by volume EXAMPLE: if the liquid has a specific gravity of 1.2 and the concentration of solids by weight is

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Filter Cake Moisture Analyzer | Scale to Measure Humidity

Part of your slurry dewatering system is the production of a filter cake. Obviously that cake must have as low a moisture as possible. A great tool you can give your operator to measure, determine and monitor that concentrate filter cake humidity and control their process variable is a moisture scale like this.  You just load the scale with 50

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How to Size a Cyclone | Hydrocyclone

How to Size a Cyclone or Hydrocyclone has a well establish step-by-step process for which Richard A. Arterburn was a pioneer.  Since this paper and its hydrocyclone sizing method is becoming hard to find, I uploaded it on here. Use the 911Metallurgist Online Cyclone Design Calculator. Hydrocyclone Design & Sizing Parameters – Calculations & Equations I also include an Excel file

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Hydroxamate Collectors

Let me point you to two good papers on the flotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals with xanthate and hydroxamate collectors. A great detailed thesis called “An Investigation of Copper Recovery from a Sulphide-Oxide Ore with a Mixed Collector System” and one called “Flotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals with xanthate and hydroxamate collectors” are both must

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Bond Work Index Formula-Equation

Table of ContentsBasic EquationsSize Distribution and Exposure RatioEquations for Work Index VariationsWork Index and Crack Energy What is the Bond Work Index Formula-Equation?  In case you had forgotten, here is a classic: You can read all the details of this now “Biblical” grinding power requirement calculation formula in Fred Bond’s original paper.  You can also review the step-by-step Bond Work Index

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Compare Flotation Test Results

Learning how to compare flotation test results made easy:  One set of test from Lab A is displayed by the red dots and compare to the blue and/or green data set from Lab B. Lab B is red inferior. Here are the comparative Grade VS Recovery Curves. Metallurgical Efficiency: One of the most important and basic concepts in mineral processing is

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Remove Trash from Flotation Circuit via Screen-Box in Grinding Circuit

An on-stream analyzer and small regrind cyclones (their small 1/2″ Apexes) were being plugged by trash coming from the underground mine in the form of wood and plastic.  A simple solution was to install a homemade screen box on the cyclone overflow prior to feeding flotation.  The operator cleans it daily, thanks to the overhead crane.

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Slurry Stream Sample Cutter Dimensions for Grinding Circuit Survey

A good grinding circuit survey (and flotation circuit sampling) is only as good as the sample cutter used for each slurry stream.  Correct sampler volume and opening size insures your sample is representative of the concentrator stream you are testing.  Here is a good suggested design with opening dimensions.  You need to add the handle that matches your sample point

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Schuhmann Plot

A Schuhmann Plot help smooth out particle size data. I attach a graph created for a settling test of flotation concentrates. You draw/create a Schuhmann Plot using the details found in and

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