Maintenance Management KPI’s

Schedule Compliance

Definition: “Schedule Compliance” measures scheduled maintenance jobs against unscheduled jobs. It is the total maintenance work hours scheduled divided by the total scheduled and unscheduled hours worked for a given period of time. Scheduled Work is defined as: Any maintenance job or task that has a start date and time formally agreed to by both the Operations and Maintenance supervision, is placed on the Weekly Maintenance Schedule, and there are resources planned to address it.

Responsibility: The weekly calculation and reporting of Schedule Compliance is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. Periodic confirmation of schedule compliance performance measures is the responsibility of the Maintenance Superintendent.

KPI Standard: This standard will be written on ERP selection

Procedure: Monthly and as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary
MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Scheduled Compliance work data, calculations and routine monthly reports will be developed and contained in the Smelter’s MIS system.

Scheduled vs Unscheduled Maintenance Work

Definition: The “Scheduled vs Unscheduled” Maintenance performance measure denotes what percent of controllable maintenance resources that were actually applied when scheduled. The performance measurement is the total amount of scheduled maintenance resources directed towards maintenance tasks expressed as a percentage of total maintenance hours.

Responsibility: The monthly calculation and reporting of Scheduled vs Unscheduled Maintenance work is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. It is verified by the Maintenance Superintendent.

Standard KPI: Scheduled vs unscheduled maintenance work will be calculated as follows:

SMH/(SMH ± Ulvill) x 100 = Percent of Maintenance work scheduled
SMH = Scheduled Maintenance Work Hours
UMH = Unscheduled Maintenance Work Hours
MH + UMH = Total Maintenance Work Hours

Maintenance Work will be defined “Scheduled”, when a specific job or task placed on the Joint Weekly Maintenance Schedule is addressed and completed on the date(s) that it had been planned.

Procedure: Monthly and/or as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Scheduled vs Unscheduled Work data, calculations and routine monthly report will all be developed and contained on the sites MIS system.


Equipment Availability

Definition: “Equipment Utilization” measures the percentage of time a piece of equipment is actually operationally in a 24 hour day, for a given period of time. The performance measurement is the productive time expressed as a percentage of the total time available.

Responsibility: The reporting of Equipment Utilization is the responsibility of the Production Controller. It is verified by the Technical Services Superintendent.

KPI Standard: Equipment Utilization will be calculated as follows: Operating Hours/Total Hours = Equipment Utilization

Procedure: Monthly or as directed the Production Senior will compile all necessary data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Areas.

Documentation: Equipment Utilization data, calculations and routine monthly reports will be developed and contained in the sites MIS system.

Equipment Utilization

Definition: The “Equipment Utilization” shows what percentage of the available time a piece of equipment or machine was actually operating. The performance measurement is the productive time expressed as a percentage of the time available.

Responsibility: The monthly calculation and reporting of Equipment Utilization is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. It is verified by the Maintenance Superintendent.

Standard KPI: Equipment Utilization will be calculated as follows:

OH / OH + DH + I/SH X 100 = Equipment Utilization
OH = Operating Hours
DH = Down Hours
IJSH = Idle/Standby Hours

Procedure: Monthly and or as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Utilization Availability data, calculations and routine monthly report will all be developed and contained on the sites MIS system.

Equipment Physical Availability

Definition: “Physical Availability” shows what percentage of the available time a piece of equipment or machine was operating based on its production schedule. The performance measurement elements are the productive time minus downtime expressed as a percentage of the scheduled time available.

Responsibility: The monthly calculation and reporting of Physical Availability is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. It is verified by the Maintenance Superintendent.

KPI Standard: Physical Availability will be calculated as follows:

SH – DFI I SH X 100 = Physical Availability
SH = Scheduled Production Hours
DH = Down Hours

Procedure: Monthly and or as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Physical Availability data, calculations and routine monthly report will all be developed and contained on the sites MIS system.

Equipment Mechanical Availability

Definition: The “Mechanical Availability” shows what percent of controllable time a piece of equipment or machine was mechanically and electrically ready to operate. The performance measurement is an equipment’s or machine’s time expressed as a percentage of controllable time.

Responsibility: The monthly calculation and reporting of Mechanical Availability is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. It is verified by the Maintenance Superintendent.

Standard KPI: Mechanical Availability will be calculated as follows:

OH / OH + DU X 100 = Mechanical Availability DH = Down Hours

Procedure: Monthly and/or as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Mechanical Availability data, calculations and routine monthly report will all be developed and contained on the sites MIS system.

Equipment Down Time Delays

Definition: The “Equipment Down Time Delay” shows what percent each delay line item contributed to the total downtime. The performance measurement is the line item summary of the total amount of equipment or machinery downage expressed as a percentage of total delay hours.

Responsibility: The monthly calculation and reporting of Equipment Down Time Delays is the responsibility of the Maintenance Planner. It is verified by the Maintenance Superintendent.

KPI Standard: The “Equipment Down Time Delays” report is a line item summary of individual delay groups that contribute to the total downage time for the reported period.

Procedure: Monthly and/or as directed the Maintenance Planner will compile all necessary MIS data required to produce an accurate and timely report. This performance measurement applies to all Maintenance Areas.

Documentation: The Equipment down Time Delay data, calculations and routine monthly report will all be developed and contained on the sites MIS system.

Maintenance Management Systems & Procedures
Maintenance Management Responsibilities
Basic Elements of Maintenance Management