Coarse Sulphide Flotation with Gravity Gold Recovery Circuit

CIRCUIT PROCESS FLOWSHEET DESCRIPTION: A Flash Unit sulphide Flotation Cell followed by a gravity concentration plant. This flowsheet shows the use of the Unit Flotation Cell, to extract/recover bas metal sulphides, in the ball mill classifier circuit in a plant where subsequent treatment consists of the usual gravity concentration methods.

ORE TREATED: The ores treated in this manner are those having the valuable mineral non-floatable. and concentration must be made primarily by gravity methods, but where there is a sulphide mineral content which may of itself be valuable for marketing or may be detrimental if left with the gravity concentrates for the marketing of these concentrates.

ADVANTAGES: This installation is relatively simple, requiring merely the installation of a Unit Flotation Cell in the grinding circuit.

PROCESSING COMMENTS: The sulphide flash Unit Flotation Cell is the only machine which can be applied for the coarse flotation required in this flowsheet. The ability to handle coarse material in the flotation unit is necessary for this application as it is desirable to keep the feed material as coarse as possible in gravity concentration plants. The Unit Flotation Cell, of course, is designed for operation on high pulp densities and also has the ability to circulate material up to in size, and in some few instances, the material circulated by this machine has even been considerably coarser than this.FLASH froth flotation followed by gravity gold recovery circuit