Denver Testing Laboratory Services


TEST ORE NOW – Be Ready When Gold Restrictions Are Lifted

You can have your gold ores tested NOW, in Deco Testing Laboratory to establish the best metallurgy for your ore, determine the exact equipment required, and obtain mill layout. Thus, when restrictions are lifted on gold production you can start profit-making operations months sooner. And you’ll be avoiding the gold testing rush, too.

TESTING THE ORE – Only Way To Assure Maximum Profits

Every one presents a different milling problem a process which provides good metallurgy on one way may not be successful on another, apparently similar ore. Even if identical ores were found, local transportation, water and market conditions would dictate different methods of treatment.

Only through comprehensive ore tests can the necessary data be obtained to establish the flowsheet and equipment required to assure maximum net profit on milling a particular ore.

DECO TESTED – Over 1000 Ores In Last Five Years

During the last five years Deco laboratory staff has successfully completed tests on more than 1000 ores covering 85 different minerals from 40 countries. The mining industry’s confidence in Deco Testing Service is due to the outstanding results obtained. Hundreds of successful installations, based on our test recommendations, prove that these results are easily duplicated in practice.Testing Lab