PGM Platinum Mining & Extraction

  1. Platinum-based alloys for high temperature and special applications
  2. Development of alternative techniques for matte level measurements in sulphide smelting furnaces
  3. Keynote Address Seismic method applied to platinum exploration, a success story
  4. Breakeven extraction factors for the Merensky Reef using stope width and market price simulation
  5. Data integration for structural interpretation in the Bushveld Complex
  6. The optimization of mining method and equipment
  7. The influence of mill speed and pulp density on the grinding efficiency for secondary stage grinding
  8. High pressure grinding rolls – applications for the platinum industry
  9. Alternative support systems for mechanized stopes
  10. High density slurry and paste tailings, transport systems
  11. Mintek, a national resource of minerals processing expertise for platinum ores
  12. Electrochemical studies of the interaction of ethyl xanthate with Pd-Bi-Te
  13. Thought processes during the project initiation phase
  14. Project success and performance evaluation
  15. A framework for the introduction of mechanized mining
  16. The relationship between the owner’s project team and the consultants project team
  17. Seamlessly integrating occupational health into business
  18. Considerations in the choice of primary access and transportation options in platinum mines
  19. Establishing the feasibility of your proposed mining venture
  20. DC arc smelting of difficult PGM-containing feed materials
  21. Occupational health risk assessment central to the management of occupational health
  22. Introduction of 3 m cable anchors as face support in timber-less stopes at Dishaba Mine
  23. Case study Using software optimization techniques for the optimal allocation of equipment in a mechanized underground mining environment
  24. Anglo American Platinums approach to resource classification case study-Boschkoppie Styldrift minewide UG2 project
  25. Measuring rock dumps from space How new technology could change the way we measure rock dumps and tailings dams
  26. Development of high-resolution 3D vertical seismic profiles
  27. The impact of entrained air and enhanced flow measurements at Eland platinum concentrator
  28. Non-invasive passive array technology for improved flow measurements of slurries and entrained air
  29. The minerals plant of the future – Leveraging automation and using intelligent colloborative environment
  30. Mine optimization and its application using the Anglo Platinum Mine Optimisation Tool (APMOT)
  31. Is there some commonality between the geological structures in the Bushveld Complex and the Great Dyke
  32. Optimization of mechanized mining layout within Anglo American Platinum
  33. Evaluation of net smelter returns in the South African PGE industry by application of base metal concentrate commercial treatment terms
  34. Review of mechanization within Lonmin
  35. Technology selection of stirred mills for energy efficiency in primary and regrinding applications for the platinum industry
  36. The use of high-pressure, water-hydraulic (hydropower) technology in South African narrow-reef, hard-rock mines
  37. A perspective on undergound support technologies in Southern African platinum mines to reduce safety risks and enhance productivity
  38. What is the best energy delivery system for hand-held stope drilling and associated equipment in narrow-reef hard rock mines
  39. Climate change Threats, challenges, and opportunities
  40. Preliminary evaluation of the proposed mining method at Eland Platinum Mine
  41. Corrosion of copper coolers in PGM smelters Mechanization – an Anglo Platinum perspective
  42. The oxidized ores of the main sulphide zone, Great Dyke, Zimbabwe turning resources into minable reserves – mineralogy is the key
  43. Total primary milling cost reduction by improved liner design
  44. The adsorption and elution of platinum group metals (Pt, Pd, and Au) from cyanide leach solutions using activated carbon
  45. Technologies for emissions reduction in the metallurgical and chemical process industries
  46. Spatial information management from multidisciplinary data
  47. A systematic approach to the optimization of extra low profile (XLP) mine productivity for narrow reef platinum mines
  48. Long hole drilling applied to narrow reef mining
  49. A hard rock narrow reef mining machine – ARM 1100
  50. Refrigeration and cooling concepts for ultra-deep platinum mining
  51. Hybrid Energy Flotation-On the optimization of fine and coarse particle kinetics in a single row
  52. The Kalahari Platinum project
  53. Blind boring system
  54. Resin bolting in South Africa platinum mines with a focus on development and stoping operations
  55. Real time mill management tools stabilizing your milling process
  56. Case study on quantitative risk modelling to obtain a realistic risk adjusted project valuation
  57. Hot corrosion behaviour of Pt-Alloys for application in the next generation of gas turbines
  58. Simultaneous mining and mineral processing enterprise optimization for the platinum industry
  59. Predictability of pothole characteristics and their spatial distribution at Rustenburg Platinum Mine (Rustenburg section)
  60. Effective process monitoring in underground mining
  61. Platinum II IV and rhodium III chemistry viewed through new eyes what new secrets can 195Pt and 103Rh NMR spectroscopy reveal about speciation as relevant to refining solutions
  62. Facies variation in the Merensky Reef at Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum mine
  63. Potential changes in the physical beneficiation processes that can improve the recovery grade or costs for the platinum group metals
  64. Development and implementation of a PGE mineral asset valuation curve
  65. Pilot and laboratory test procedures for the design of semi-autogenous grinding circuits treating platinum ores
  66. Implementing strategies to improve mill capacity and efficiency, with platinum references and case studies
  67. A framework to simplify the management of throughput and constraints
  68. How an object-orientated modelling approach for a mine option study can increase the quality of decision A case study
  69. Latest results of the slag cleaning reactor for copper recovery and its potential for the PGM industry
  70. Sustainable ore reserves generation at variable stoping rates for a UG2 conventional mining layout
  71. Geological interpretations from the PGE distribution in the Bushveld Merensky and UG2 chromitite reefs
  72. Development and testing of an underground remote refrigeration plant
  73. Computational fluid dynamic modelling of a three-phase electric smelting furnace in the platinum smelting process
  74. Stirred milling-new comminution technology in the PGM industry
  75. Statistical size analysis of potholes an attempt to estimate geological losses ahead of mining at Lonmins Marikana mining district
  76. Towards an improved pillar design methodology at Bathopele Mine
  77. The application of modifying factors to the Merensky Reef and UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex
  78. The energy and water required to drill a hole
  79. Highly efficient electric smelters for the platinum industry – SMS solutions for energy saving
  80. Energy considerations in the current PGM processing flowsheet utilizing new technologies
  81. Process and asset monitoring at a PGM concentrator for UG2 concentrate
  82. Saving energy by replacing compressed air with localized hydropower systems a half level model approach
  83. Hard-rock room and pillar mining best practice industry workshop
  84. The implementation of mechanized breast mining and the development of XLP equipment
  85. A conceptual study into optimizing the delivery of trackbound twin ends through trackless mechanized development
  86. Application of borehole radar to pothole identification and delineation ahead of the working face in platinum mines
  87. The development and implementation of the Lonmin mechanized breast mining
  88. Valuation of a mineral resource that has a compound metal content distribution an example based on the Merensky Reef at Wesizwe Platinum Limited’s Pilanesberg project
  89. Cost-effective pressure filtration for platinum concentrates
  90. Application potential of DC smelter technology for the platinum industry in South Africa
  91. Mine development – Access to deposit
  92. New Pt-based alloys for high temperature application in aggressive environments The next stage
  93. Using SmartTagTM to track ore in process integration and optimization projects Some case studies in a variety of applications
  94. No. 17 Shaft project-overcoming fourth generation technical challenges
  95. Building a database for the prediction of phases in Pt-based superalloys
  96. Fully autogenous grinding at Unki mine concentrator – A case of successful value engineering
  97. Nonlinear rock behaviour and its implications on deeper-level platinum mining
  98. The use of borehole radar in detecting disruptions in platiniferous horizons in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa-the financial implication
  99. Mining by rock cutting in narrow reefs
  100. Interaction of graphite with synthetic matte
  101. HPGR-revolution in Platinum
  102. Anglo Platinum Taking advantage of the current metal prices and shortage of platinum
  103. Towards electrode immersion control on Lonmin’s No. 1 circular furnace
  104. Fuel cell technology in underground mining
  105. A review on the progress towards PT-base superalloys for ultra high temperature applications
  106. A phased development schedule for a platinum concentrator by utilizing a dynamic stockpile model
  107. Intelligent gearing system – solution to understand and correct operational conditions that reduce the fatigue life of a girth gear
  108. The development of ultra-fine grinding at Anglo Platinum
  109. Rectangular furnace design and revolutionary DC-slag cleaning technology for the PGM industry
  110. Ultra fine grinding of intermediate flotation concentrates in the PGM industry at the Pt Mile operation on Anglo Platinum tailings
  111. Scraper winch pull force investigation
  112. Fine grinding-Developments in ceramic media technology and resulting improved plant performance at Anglo Platinum
  113. Electrode models for Soderberg electrodes
  114. The catalytic converter industry in South Africa
  115. Developing a tapblock diagnostic system
  116. An evaluation of steels selected for use within electric arc furnaces
  117. A practical approach to plant scale flotation optimization
  118. The estimation of platinum flotation grade from froth image features by using artificial neural networks
  119. A proposal for accurate consistent continuous feed into electric arc furnaces in the platinum industry
  120. Strategic mine planning-communicating uncertainty with scenarios
  121. The roasting of PGM-ore concentrates in a circulating fluidized bed
  122. Improving safety and security in platinum mining by utilizing the newest facial recognition technology
  123. Leading the next boom Competitive Eastern Limb platinum supply
  124. The development of a process flowsheet for the new Anglo Platinum, PPRust north concentrator, incorporating HPGR technology
  125. Hydrogeological properties of the UG2 pyroxenite aquifers of the Bushveld Complex
  126. Preconcentration of UG2 platinum ore economic benefits to mine plant and smelter
  127. Applied ergonomics for operator compartment design in an EJC 88 XLP loader
  128. Anglo Platinum extra low profile (XLP) mechanized equipment implementation-an update
  129. The application of Economic Modelling to enhance decision-making at Lonmin Platinum
  130. Ounces into pounds – how much is an in situ ounce of platinum worth
  131. Design constraints on trackless mining equipment in low and extra low stope hard rock mining
  132. Effluent treatment what role can modified waste biomass play in the local platinum industry- a review
  133. Application of fundamentals in optimizing platinum concentrator performance