Mineralogical Analysis using QEMSCAN and its Photomicrograph

A Mineralogical Analysis done using a QEMSCAN can produce Photomicrograph of chalcopyrite (Cpy), pyrite (Py) attached to and locked in sphalerite. (Reflected Light).

Mineralogical Analysis using QEMSCAN

Photomicrograph showing pyrite attached to and locked in sphalerite. Bornite (Bn) locked in sphalerite (Reflected Light).

Photomicrograph showing pyrite attached to and locked in sphalerite. Bornite (Bn) locked in sphalerite (Reflected Light).

Photomicrograph of pyrite and chalcopyrite locked in sphalerite. Arsenopyrite (Asp) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light).

Photomicrograph of pyrite and chalcopyrite locked in sphalerite. Arsenopyrite (Asp) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light).
Mineralogical Analysis using QEMSCAN

Photomicrograph of pyrite and chalcopyrite locked in sphalerite. Arsenopyrite (Asp) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light).

Photomicrograph of pyrite attached to sphalerite. Galena (Gn) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light).

Photomicrograph of pyrite attached to sphalerite. Galena (Gn) locked in pyrite (Reflected Light). All thanks to Mineralogical Analysis via QEMSCAN.