Applying laws of comminution to predict energy consumption. (3 replies)

3 years ago
shayne 3 years ago

Am doing an internship at a mine with a comminution plant, how can I practically apply the laws of comminution to predict energy consumption on a 3 stamp mill .

Todd H
3 years ago
Todd H 3 years ago

The laws of comminution do not apply to a stamp mill.  Who uses stamp mills anymore?  This is technology from the late 1800's.

Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

3 years ago
AmyCarter 3 years ago

I guess it's better to go deeper into the theme and check some specialized resources. But the question sounds a little bit weird now

1 year ago
Proman 1 year ago

There are three laws of comminution:

-First law- Rittinger
-Second law- Kick
-Third law- Bond

According to third law, the work consumed is proportional to the new crack length produced by the breakage of particles, because once created the crack, the rock breaks.

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