Copper supergene ore primary crushing equipment (2 replies)

6 years ago
Natally 6 years ago

I am struggling on the type of primary and secondary crushers that i need to select and size for a copper supergene ore. The ore mainly consist of; 

• Chalcocite (Cu2S) 33%
• Copper Oxide (CuO) 53%
• Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2] 14%

The ore also contain clay in this compositions

• Chalcocite Clay content 30%
• Copper Carbonate clay content 40% 
• Supergene clay content 30%

Please help

6 years ago
(unknown) 6 years ago

ROM ore size?

Desired hourly tonnage?

Feeding SAG, AG, Rod Mill, Ball Mill?

The crusher does not know or care if it is crushing copper oxide or other. It only cares about hardness. Any data on that?

6 years ago
David 6 years ago

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