Ore Chute Slope Limits and Material Velocity Control (3 replies)

7 years ago
virock 7 years ago

I am working with a client to develop an ore diversion chute that would catch ore from the discharge of a conveyor that normally fills a coarse ore bin. The chute would redirect to a stacker. 

Two Questions:

  1. Typically, how steep can a chute like this be without having to create a series of steps to slow the material down?
  2. How is the material slowed and delivered to the hopper of the stacker in this type of situation?

Material is 6" minus crushed ore delivered at 270 tonnes/hr, approx SG of 2.3.  The chute would be about 0.5m dia. and about 30m long.

7 years ago
miningman 7 years ago

  The bigger fundamental question ,  is what is the largest size  rock in the feed on the conveyor belt?  If this material is going to a COB ,    0.5 metres may be very undersized

7 years ago
dk 7 years ago

For such a long chute of 30 m to avoid operating and maintenance problem , you may consider a slope of about 50 deg with rock boxes may be every 6 m with suitable liner for impact and wear resistance .  You may also plan for diversion chute for feeding to a conveyo which in turn will feed to the stacker  to avoid the long chute of 30 m which may have more maintenance problem.


7 years ago
BAUD 7 years ago

You need to determine the natural angle of repose of the material. In the case of coarse sand, it is around 40 °. So the 50 ° suggested by DK is a good start as the slope must be more than the natural angle of repose. I share the same feeling as DK concerning operations and maintenance issues for a direct long chute of 30 m. 

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