Roller screen vs Wobbler feeder (1 reply)

5 years ago
Ranjan 5 years ago

I wish to know about selection criteria of roller screen and wobbler feeder. What are the relative advantage or disadvantage of both these equipment ?

3 years ago
Jorge 3 years ago

Roller screen:

This equipment can be considered when the screening conditions are very difficult because the moisture content is high and the screen opening is clogged easily. Some engineering companies recommend the equipment to transport coarse material to the crushing circuit.

Basically, the roller feeder is a machine equipped with rollers which rotates in the same direction. The material runs on the roller.

Wobble Feeder:

This kind of feeder is selected to feed the ore at steady state to remove the fine particles reported in the mined ore. Considering the fact that fine particles are problematic with wet material, the application is recommended with clayed and sticky ores.

The equipment is equipped with elliptical bar and the material is transported over the bars. In this way the large rocks are moved in different direction, as a result the surface is cleaned. The bar opening can be regulated according to the material characteristics.

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