Static crusher plant (3 replies and 2 comments)

2 years ago
bettsgauce 2 years ago

How many months does it usually take to set-up a static crusher plant?

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

Of course it depends.  Depends on what type and size of crusher plant.  If you are talking about a large, perment plant on a concrete foundation and if you are talking about from start of design to start up 18 to 24 months.  At the other extreme, if you are talking about a mobile plant, as little as 2 or 3 days to a month.  So from 2 day to 2 years, depending.

2 years ago

Just a 480 TPD sand and gravel static crusher plant. Foundation is not concrete. How long would this be set-up Mr. SmartDog? Thank you very much!

2 years ago
Mike 2 years ago

Again it depends.  The physical set up of the equipment is determied by the actual design and what components are involved.  This is dependent on the feed material and desired products.  Then comes the point of how is it powered (electrical or generator) and where does the water come from.

Preparing the site and getting the utilites installed can take scan everal months.  Ordering and have the plant delivered can also take some time (up to a year and a half).  

Like I said before the actual set up of the plant can be done in a short period (say 1 to 2 weeks), but then actually geeting it working can take months.   

2 years ago

thank you very much for this sir smartdog!

1 year ago
Proman 1 year ago

The Static crusher plants requires substantial time to set it up. For instance, a 700 tph plant would take a total of 12-16 weeks to set up from zero date.

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