Metal detector to distinguish & remove iron scrap form iron feed in Iron Concentrator Plant (2 replies and 1 comment)

6 years ago
Solaris1987 6 years ago

Hello Dear

I work in an iron concentrator plant and in our process and grinding stage, we use a tramp iron for removing of iron scraps such as rods, broken balls before HPGR mill feed which mounted on belt conveyor. The tramp iron is activated by a metal detector. The problem is that metal detector doesn’t work well because of materials nature (ferrous feed) and couldn’t distinguished between iron rock and iron scrap. The volume and Fe grade of material handling is variable and we couldn’t fix magnetic sensitivity of metal detector on a constant value.

What kind of metal detector is proper for our plant to be able to remove iron scrap from iron feed?

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

Unfortunately you are re-discovering an issue that has bothered the iron ore industry for a long long time.  One possible solution is the use of optical scanners to tell by shape.  But you will still get a lot of false positives (reject ore and not tramp).  

6 years ago

Thanks Mike Albrecht for commenting my question.

6 years ago
christian2020 6 years ago

Please gentlmen,best Metal detector(s) to distinguish & remove silver scrap from poor mix silver gold ore screened ?

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