VSI fine crushing (3 replies)

3 years ago
erdenetsogt 3 years ago

Hi everyone?

Is VSI good choice for circulating load or over sieve product of tertiary (3rd stage) crusher. The ore has p80=18-20 mm, Bond work index Bwi=15-17 kWh/t.? 

How about the CAPEX and OPEX?

3 years ago
David 3 years ago

VSI ... you must like fixing things...

Do you want 4 stages of crushing?

What size do you want to get down to? What machine are you feeding after that?

Is this a new design or a plugin add-on to an existing operation?


2 years ago
erdenetsogt 2 years ago

Hi dear, sorry for long time i was absent

Yes, we want 4th stage crusher to reduce size of tertiary crusher product size (i mean over sieve product which is circulated again and again)

Size is optional, less than 5-8 mm

It is not new design, we operate 3 stage crushing and 2 stage ball milling right now. Because of increasing ore hardness, we need to reduce feed ore particle size to ball mill.

1 year ago
Proman 1 year ago

The VSI crushes hard and brittle materials with ease. It is the right choice for handling rock, cement clinker, grinding material, concrete aggregate, and refractory material.

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