Best brand of portable stone crusher (3 replies)

8 years ago
Jeky 8 years ago

I've been reading posts/responses about comparison for static against portable stone crushers and got to know what really we want for our new project, now my question is we need to embark on a road construction, civil works and construction of 1000 low density houses, so what the best type of portable machine we can use Hard or soft and two which brand of a machine is durable am in Zimbabwe or i go for Chinese ones

Master Q
8 years ago
Master Q 8 years ago

Hi Jerky , your request is just too vague to be able to give an opinion.

There are so many different inputs that need to be considered before even starting to narrow it down.You have indicated that you want a portable machine so that is a start.

First things to find out.

What products you need to produce and at what volumes. What type/size of feed you are going to be feeding the portable machine with. To answer those questions will be the very start. The answers will then demand more questions. This way we can  start narrowing in on what would be most suited.

As for brands , that is a contentious point. There are many considerations. Cost , quality , value , simplicity vs complexity , efficiency , back up , availability and many more factors.

Chinese brands ? Well you get all sorts of quality out of China , do your homework first. There as some very successful Chinese installations in Africa and many many disasters. I know which Chinese brands I would trust but as far as back up in Southern Africa you could be on your own.  

8 years ago
AJNeale 8 years ago

You might want to talk to the guys at Sepro they specialize in putting crushing plants on trailers.  They have a presence in RSA and can provide support in Zimbabwe.  They won't be the cheapest on the market, but their systems are well engineered, well built, easy to operate and very reliable.  I also agree with Master Q - if you buy cheap Chinese machines you will regret it.  If you buy quality Chinese machines you will be paying about the same as the competition.  I hope this helps.

8 years ago
David 8 years ago

Hi Jeky,

The largest gold miner in the world is China. I assure you they know how to make crushers. You just need to know who to buy them from. Email me if you want to know.

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