Base metal in Gold Cyanidation Tailing (4 replies and 1 comment)

5 years ago
Darrel 5 years ago

Hi all,

How to remove or precipitate base metal such Cu, Zn, Fe in solution tailings of cyanide destruction by INCO process. The regulation limit 2 ppm and the actual residual about 15 ppm. The head about 20ppm.

Our process running with pH 10-11.

Thank you for any advice

5 years ago
tesaygo1 5 years ago

I am not that familiar with INCO procesa but most likely, you can use merril-crowe zinc precipitation.

5 years ago
Darrel 5 years ago

Thanks Tesaygo1,

I think MC is to precipitate gold/silver using zinc dust, and the tails still contain zinc ionic, cyanide and others base metal. My question is how to precipitated this base metal in cyanide destruction process.

5 years ago
tesaygo1 5 years ago

Hello Darrel,


From what i know, comparing Activated carbon and zinc for gold recovery has difference. Activated carbon is selective compare to zinc which precipitate not only gold and silver, but also Pt, Pd, Fe, Cu As etc.

Anyway, cyanide doesn't have strongly affirmity for base metal.

But my suggestion for your concern instead of destroying cyanide, why not recycle it which is more economical. From what i know there is two way to recycle it. Then the recycled NaCN can be reuse for sell.


4 years ago

Your pH for the INCO process sounds too high, Should be 8 to 9. What are your feed conditions to detox? ie Free NaCN, CNWAD, Cu in soluiton in feed. What reagents are you using SMBS or SO2. Are you adding CuSO4?

3 years ago
Reactor 3 years ago

Hello Darrel,

Are you still looking for an effective and economical way to precipitate base metal such Cu, Zn, Fe in solution?

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