calculation area for vacuum drum filter (2 replies and 1 comment)

5 years ago
vaheedghassemy 5 years ago

hello friends 

I want to make a vacuum drum filter but i dont know how i can calculate required surface of drum . we have slurry with 20% soil(200 micron) and flow is 14000 lit/hour the eye of filter must be 50 micron.

can you help me please.

thanks a lot             

5 years ago
Mike 5 years ago
1 like by David

Like with so much else the best way is to do some basic testing using lab filters.  But as a rough guide yiu can probably assume around 10-20 lbs/hr/sq ft of filter area producing a 25% cake moisture and requiring around 3 cfm/ sq ft of air flow.

5 years ago

hello and thanks a lot

5 years ago
vaheedghassemy 5 years ago


thanks a lot.

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