Cyanide Washing (6 replies)

6 years ago
Teggry 6 years ago

Just a Bit of a Naive question. Can cyanide be washed out of slurry if put through a number of CCD's to wash it?

6 years ago
ManUtd67 6 years ago

Reduced yes, but not removed entirely.

Live Blue Marble
6 years ago
Live Blue Marble 6 years ago

Hi Teggry, CCD "washing" is a repeat dilution process. You cannot reach nil through dilution. The CCD efficiency is a function of the volume of water carried from one dilution step to the next step; this translates to the higher the underflow density in each thickening step, the better the CCD efficiency and fewer steps you require to reach the desired dilution.

A simple mass balance repeated over several thickeners in series should do the trick

6 years ago
TonyE 6 years ago

The answer is yes. Use of high density thickeners in series. There will be trace cyanide which can be destroyed using injection of cyanide destruct chemicals in the tailings line.

6 years ago
Reynaldo 6 years ago

Effectively it can be washed, but the question is what ratio of washing should be used depending on the concentration of cyanide fed to the washing stage, what proportion of the cyanide is found as auro or argentocianuro and what as free cyanide, if its process is relates to precious values, which is not clear in your question or what you want to wash. The ratio of water to rich solution is the ratio and it is not random, since it consists of a specific unitary stage of the chemistry of the dissolution processes, where the amount of solvent that is transferred to the aqueous phase depends on tests and variation of the relationship. Since the cost is dependent on the quantity of water and the number of stages, it must be determined in each case and still remain traces of residual cyanide, since the process has an efficiency, unless a stage of cyanide destruction is implemented in the final discharge while in the rich solution the cyanide concentration must be adjusted again if necessary, because the precipitation reaction demands it.

6 years ago
shastry 6 years ago

Hi, Teggry,

Instead of using CCD to kill cyanide you can add Calcium Hypochlorite to stream which oxidizes the cyanide and it'll be washed off.

5 years ago
Reactor 5 years ago

If the CN ppm is high enough why not look at recovery versus destruction?

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