density measurement (2 replies and 1 comment)

Jorge Quintanilla
4 years ago
Jorge Quintanilla 4 years ago

dear friends..

I have the task of installing, starting and leaving working three new thickeners for Zn, Sn concentrates and slimes.
To perform the slurry density measurement in the under flow, nuclear densimeters are used. We want to avoid using these meters for safety and environmental reasons, in addition to having complex regulations in Bolivia and I imagine worldwide.

What method of measurement would you advise me for this application? And do you have any known providers that I can contact?


Thanks in advance

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

Continuous density measurement was common way before nuclear density gauges, so you just need to look at older technology.  But note these are usually more cumbersome and take up more physical space.

Most of them rely on measuring the differential pressure between two points in a pipe.  Using Bernoulli's equation and the pressure and velocity you can get density.

Other methods using differential pressure are also used.

Jorge Quintanilla
4 years ago
Jorge Quintanilla 4 years ago

mr Albrecht. I am very grateful for your comment..I am going to investigate who can carry out the work with the Bernoulli equation, as a contract. One of the possible problems for this measurement is that the pipes through which the slurry will pass are small in diameter. If you know of any company that is dedicated to this topic, I will be very grateful.

Jorge Quintanilla


cel---(591) 74727778

4 years ago

Actually find an instrumentation engineer over 50 years old and he can probably put one together for you.

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