Destruction of nitrates with flotation reagents? (1 reply)

6 months ago
Quartz_Porphyry 6 months ago

At the local copper & molybdenum mine, their recycled process water (decanted in a tailings impoundment) does not contain more than traces of nitrates.  Their primary blasting agent is ANFO, so one would expect nitrates to be present in the ore.  Their flotation reagents are SIPX, lime, diesel and then sodium hydrosulfide for molybdenite separation.  Host rock is a granite.

Based on what little information I could locate, it looks like lime and/or sodium hydrosulfide could be responsible for nitrate destruction. 

Does anyone have any insight or direct knowledge of what could be going on?  My interest in this topic relates to a potential new mining operation in the area.


5 months ago
Jorge 5 months ago

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