Do any body have data related to Rise rate to be consider for the sedimentation of slurry inside the ... (1 reply)

2 years ago
anjanisail 2 years ago

Do any body have data related to Rise rate to be consider for the sedimentation of slurry inside the High Rate Thickener. I want this for calculating the size of thickener in case of High rate thickener for iron ore concentrate and tailings.

2 years ago
Jorge 2 years ago

A typical engineering design considers that a magnetite concentrate will be pumped to dewatering magnets installed ahead of the storage tanks to ensure a concentrate density target of 60 to 65% w/w solids is maintained. The magnetic concentrate filtration rate ranges from 950 to 1100 kg/m2/h.  

Tailings slurry consisting of magnetite rougher and cleaner tailings are pumped to a high-rate tailings thickener. The tailings thickening settling rate ranges from 0.90 to 1.05 kg/m2/h. Thickener underflow ranges from of 58 to 62% w/w solids. Thickened tailings are pumped to the tailings storage facility. Thickener overflow is pumped to the process water tank.

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