Iron Ore Concentrate Dewatering (5 replies)

7 years ago
abhi 7 years ago

Is it possible to achieve the residual moisture of less than 9% in case of iron ore concentrate by adding some reagents prior to feeding to filtration unit ? If yes then ,reagents comprising which type of functional groups  should be focused to address this issue?

Any response will be appreciated.

Thanking You,


7 years ago
David 7 years ago

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7 years ago

Dear Abhishek ,

Pls. let me know ... 

after filtration , cake moisture is 9% right ?

Presently what is the slurry % moisture feeding to filtration plant ?

Are you using any flocculent in thickener ?



6 years ago
JYOTIRMAYA 6 years ago
1 like by David

Mr. Abhishek,

Moisture content of filter cake produced depends upon some of the factors of pre treatment of slurry. I would suggest to first look into the process parameters, as under mentioned and bring it to the optimal level. Using reagent is going to add an extra cost to the production cost. Yes, there are some reagents available, which demands to decrease the surface tension, thus decreasing the moisture content.

Slurry Pre-treatment factor:

  1. Try to get maximum % of solid content in the slurry before feeding it to the filtration unit.
  2. Use optimum quantity of flocculant in thickener as its high dosing hinders the dewatering process.
  3. Filtration surface must be free from any clogging element.
6 years ago
pepperd 6 years ago
2 likes by a.mehrizi and David

<9% cake moisture for iron ore concentrate is possible without addition of reagents, but depends on several factors: type of filtration equipment (vacuum or pressure filter), PSD of feed slurry, % feed solids, and type of iron ore, among other factors.

Hematite can usually be dewatered to this extent using vacuum filters, but depends on PSD and % solids in the feed.

Magnetite generally requires pressure filtration to achieve this final cake moisture, due to the usually finer PSD required to achieve Fe content required.

6 years ago
RodC 6 years ago
1 like by David

The physical problems such as PSD will control a lot, but there are some operation points.  Make sure filtration fabric is not too tight - too much pressure drop across the fabric even though filtrate is OK.

If there is any waste steam, this cake be applied to the cake - i.e. heats up the cake, reduces viscosity of water in cake, water drains more easily

Depending on the filter type and operating conditions, the feed may classifying such that the cake in not homogeneous of all particle sizes.

Add some surfactant to the feed to reduce the apparent viscosity of the liquid so it drains better.

Solutions may range from zero to little cost to reduce cake moisture, to some cost based on how much change/intervention is required to make a difference.


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