oxidising agent in vat leaching (1 reply and 1 comment)

8 years ago
kahonde 8 years ago

hello, what is the best oxidising agent that i can use in vat leaching and is there anything wrong with hydrogen peroxide?


8 years ago
Rheomet 8 years ago
1 like by David

HP is quite strong, best price comes as 50% wt. or 30% wt., but you need to use it with care - dilute to 3-5% by using the density table. Warning: even if using diluted,  the risk is increased cyanide consumption. Best oxidizing agent for gold-silver cyanidation is still air, as far as I know.  So I would pre-aerate the vat leach feed lixiviant to DO about 8 ppm (from memory, can try better), then check/adjust the pH again, as it could drop a little due to carbonation (from the CO2 trapped from the air). This should work unless your ore is refractory. Hope this helps.

Cheers, Alex

8 years ago


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