Thickener Clarity (1 reply)

1 year ago
OratileM 1 year ago

We have a problem with the Tailings thickener.It does not settle solids and the overflow has no clarity. The feed rate is 90m^3/h at the density of 1.12.The flocculant has been changed more than 3 times. It is dosed at full speed but there's no change... What could be the problem? 

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

You did not mention the size of your thickener, this can play a big part in acchieving settling.  Next, pH is also a key point and matching it to your flocculant.  Then dosage rate and interaction with other chemicals added in the process,

Does the dosage rate work in lab testing on actual thickener feed?  Have you changed any other reagents in the process?  You mentioned the volumetric flow rate, but is the solids flow rate the same as the design rate?

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