Thickener simulation software (6 replies and 8 comments)

6 years ago
cesararaya 6 years ago

Hello, I introduce myself, my name is Cesar Araya and I am a student of metallurgy and I am looking for a program to simulate a thickening or clarifying process. I have been told that with metsim I can simulate, but I do not know how, and the hsc chemestry that is on this page the link is down. Someone will have some program or a visual basic (macros excel) that I can provide, I would greatly appreciate it, regards.

Mike Rockandel
6 years ago
Mike Rockandel 6 years ago
1 like by David

Your request is very vague. Do you want to attempt to predict the suspended solids in o/f and the underflow density based upon particle characteristics and equipment size (very hard)


Mike Rockandel
6 years ago

Lost end of my message or do you want a mass balance based upon known or assumed o/f and u/f densities

6 years ago

hi mike thanks for answering I just want to do a simulation in a program that gives me some kind of balance and water recovery. I do not think I need the behavior of fine particles in water. It should be noted that I need to simulate an iron concentrate thickener, thank you very much in advance for your help.

6 years ago
David 6 years ago
6 years ago

Hi, thanks, but you do not see how to enter data in that video and I do not know. and hsc asks me to buy a license, I downloaded one but the drawings did not appear.

6 years ago
6 years ago

How can I download it?

6 years ago

There are no free downloads anymore...

6 years ago
rgardila 6 years ago

It depends what you want to extract of  a model. You can use METSIM, but you need a license. 

6 years ago

I have metsim, but I get an error when entering the data

6 years ago
6 years ago
cesararaya 6 years ago

someone could provide me with a vba (macro) in excel that can simulate, please

6 years ago
RodC 6 years ago
1 like by David

Is the intent to easily make materials balances, predict how a feed material will behave?   If the question is materials balances, that is simply a math problems in one limited sense, but it will not accurate tell you how big the thickener or clarifier should be.

As noted my Mike about it is very hard to dry lab a thickener of classifier even if you do have a PSD.  Some pulp types will fall into likely ranges, but until you run some tests on the actual material you will not get optimized data, or anything that should be used for competitive equipment offering.   Assume someone does develope some super software the predicts operations, flocculant behaviour etc, do they they guarantee the results and take the risk the design will work.     It takes some investment to do some testing and reduce the risk....Even if someone did guarantee some software (beyond 1+1=2), I doubt any experienced customer would believe it.

6 years ago
TonyE 6 years ago

Hi Cesar

I do free excel apps for students.



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