thickener underflow flowmeter. (1 reply and 2 comments)

1 year ago
Chabvuta 1 year ago

what causes the thickener flowmeter reading differ from the manually calculated result, approximately 40% less.

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

Sounds like a calibration issue.  Check the parameters on the flowmeter and verify that they are correct.  Then go through the standard calibration steps which should be in the users guide/manual.

1 year ago

The flowmeter I am using comes already calibrated by the manufacturer.

1 year ago

Factory calibration is normally done on water and a standard pipe diameter. This will NOT mean it is calibrated for your operating conditions. You need to verify that it is set for your application to include solution characteristics (density being a big one) and for pipe charasteristics (diameter, position in pipe or around pipe being some of these). Then you need to verify flowmeter location, so that you are getting minimal turbulance. This usually means a minimum upstream and down stream from fittings (elbows, valves, inlets, outlets, etc).

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