VBF operation (1 reply)

6 years ago
raveendra 6 years ago

We are operating a VBF to filter our tail thickener U/F to produce a cake of moisture 15-20% to make paste for U/G. Flocs are used in the process. We get substantial carry back during the filter press sometime even had to utilise labor permanently to clear off. Do anyone can give me a solution to rectified,


6 years ago
RodC 6 years ago
1 like by David

Ravendra - if I understand solids are accumulating on the filter and requiring it to be cleaned?   May sure the cloth sprays on both side of the filtration fabric are clean and the water pressure is correct.  All nozzles not plugged etc.  If you could post a video/photo of the problem, then would help ensure the problem is clearly understood.   The filtration fabric can be an issue - if the fabric does not give good cake discharge, or can be easily cleaned, then solids will carry back into the machine and accumulate, and/or drop and accumulate under the machine and be a problem.


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