Water Treatment of 8-10 pH (2 replies and 1 comment)

Nino Bonn
8 years ago
Nino Bonn 8 years ago

Hi, I would like to ask what reagents and treatment process are used to neutralize 8-10 pH solution or waste. And it would be great if its economical at any parameters. Thanks

Dane Smith
8 years ago
Dane Smith 8 years ago
1 like by Bob Mathias

Why are you treating water at pH8? that is basically neutral... What pH are you chasing? what is giving your water free hydroxides?

if you are simply looking to bring the pH down (for whatever reason), simply bubbling air (or CO2 if you wish) will get you to pH 7 pretty easily an inexpensively without the need for acid addition. Hook up a regulating valve a pH meter to a tank or compressor and you're away.

I trust you can sort the cost out via bulk supply and stoichiometry.



Nino Bonn
8 years ago

Thank you for this.

We are treating the water so that we can discharge it environmentally in the rivers.

Bob Mathias
8 years ago
Bob Mathias 8 years ago


what is in your water that you do not like?  Any metals? Cyanide? Or are you only looking to meet pH specifications?

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