Alabandite or Alabandine Depression (2 replies)

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Suggestion regarding decreasing the effects of floating Alabandite or alabandine in zinc!

8 years ago
Oberfuhrer 8 years ago

Two relatively recent publications on the Gamsberg deposit have examined the effects of alabandite on sphalerite flotation. It has been suggested that activation with copper preferentially coats alabandite minerals aiding the flotation response. Methods used to improve recovery have either been associated with oxidation of the manganese species with a highly oxidative reagent such as Caro's acid, or alternatively using solvent extraction with D2EPHA. Please refer to the following papers: and

8 years ago
Sudhirkumar 8 years ago

Why Regrinding? What’s the mineral interlocking status of your ore of interest? Did you try various depressants for alabandite in flotation of sphalerite? The new reagent scheme consisted of Na2S, which replaced NaCN and the introduction of alabandite depressant A3–3. This depressant is a mixture of Na2SiO3:Al2(SO3)4:Na2S2O5 (Bulatovic, Handbook of flotation reagent, Vol 1, 2007)

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