CALCULATE THE % SOLIDS WITH TWO ORES (1 reply and 2 comments)

4 years ago
LATORES88 4 years ago

Hello. I am lost

I need to get % solids of a slurry with ore and FeSi in a stream of DMS Cyclone

ore 28.3 tph @SG =3.05

FeSi  115.8 tph @ SG =6.80

SG slurry=3

Can anyone help me?

4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

It is an iterative process, first you need to know the tph of water and then you can calculate the % solids.  The tph per hour of water is the amount of water at an sg of 1.0 needed to make the slurry sg 3.0.

In excel you can find this by using goal seek.  Where you calculate the tph of ore times its sg and the tph of FeSi times its sg and the tph of water times 1.  Set the water to 1 tph initially (or some other random number).  Sum the tph times sgs.  Divide this number by the sum of the tphs. Change tph of water untill the slurry sg  is 3.0.

4 years ago

Many thanks. Very useful

4 years ago


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