Carbonate Depressants (20 replies)

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

Could you please suggest me best depressants for carbonate minerals in flotation of sedimentary phosphate? I'm planning to float apatite in direct flotation.

Sandeep Bisht
8 years ago
Sandeep Bisht 8 years ago

Reverse Floatation using Fatty acid as collector at ph of 4.5 to 6.0

Rahil Khan
8 years ago
Rahil Khan 8 years ago

I recommend you have a look at the review article with the following title:

"Reagents used in the flotation of phosphate ores: a critical review".

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

I've read this article, I've try a lot to floating apatite in direct flotation with one stage.

Rahil Khan
8 years ago
Rahil Khan 8 years ago

I do not know the mineralogy of your sample; have you ever used oxalic acid?

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

My Sample is Sedimentary phosphate with more than 45% Cao, 8-9% P2O5 and about 10% SiO2.

I've tried fatty acids, sulfusacciantes and sulfusaccinamate. But none of the answered well.

Rahil Khan
8 years ago
Rahil Khan 8 years ago

Check a mix of hydrofluorosilicic acid and oxalic acid, be careful about dosage.

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

What combination percentages do you recommend?

And what do you suggest as depressant for calcite?

Sandeep Bisht
8 years ago
Sandeep Bisht 8 years ago

Calcite is very difficult to remove as such. You can try Quebracho in slightly acidic pH using H2SO4 to depress Calcite and float Apatite with sodium oleate as collector. Conditioning time should be high. Otherwise reverse flotation is the only remedy.

Rahil Khan
8 years ago
Rahil Khan 8 years ago

Generally I agree that reverse flotation would be the recommended choice.

By the way, Oxalic acid depressed carbonates and hydrofluorosilicic acid depressed silicates, so 50% oxalic and 50% H2SiF6, and for the collector tries tallow diamine acetate.

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

I've tried Sodium oleate and Quebracho but it didn't answer. In reserve flotation I achieved 29% P2O5 with 40% recovery. But I want to do it in direct way.

As the consultation, regarding to similarity in calcite and apatite surface, do you think it's possible to changing apatite surface to make difference between these two?

Paul Morrow
8 years ago
Paul Morrow 8 years ago

I have in the past worked with both Sulfonic or sulfuric acids and fatty acid as collector in direct flotation with great recoveries, what is grind like?

8 years ago
Obergruppenfuhrer 8 years ago

There is an interesting paper published in the Flotation'13 about apatite flotation with carbonate called:

"Understanding the effect of CO2 on apatite flotation from Catalão´s siliceous carbonate phosphate ore"

Sandeep Bisht
8 years ago
Sandeep Bisht 8 years ago

I had worked on apatite ores containing highly Siliceous, Calcitic& Dolomitic ores as impurities. Grinding pattern is first studied and liberation size obtained. Flotation at coarse grind, regrind of rougher concentrate, separation of apatite from impurities can also be tried.

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

My sample's liberation size is 100 micron.

Raje Singh
8 years ago
Raje Singh 8 years ago

Can we do silica flotation in rock phosphate for concentrate produced to upgrade the concentrate grade? Confirm. If so your problem is solved.

8 years ago
Amar 8 years ago

Yes you right, but in our sample the amount of silica isn't high, it's about 9%.

Our big problem is calcite. About 48%, In reverse flotation with two stage we can first float calcite and then we can float silica, but it cost a lot.

Sandeep Bisht
8 years ago
Sandeep Bisht 8 years ago

Since Silica is not high, cleaning phosphate ores in alkaline pH - two times is sufficient, using sodium oleate as collector, before separating apatite from calcite. Calcite is very difficult to separate from phosphatic ores. Even though you achieve +28% P2O5 which is acceptable in fertilizer industries, still you will be losing much of apatite in tails and final recovery in phosphate concentrate will be very less. This is not acceptable.

Raje Singh
8 years ago
Raje Singh 8 years ago

Can you do Pre-concentration for removing Calcite at 1 mm or 0.5 mm size? Then you can achieve your goal. Can you do lab testing and then do cost benefit analysis. Then go for pilot plant testing and do costs benefit analysis and then go for commercial plant. We do all kinds of technical designing for such activities.

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

Have a look at the FIPR web site they have various documented reagent survey reports for carbonaceous phosphate flotation.


7 years ago
Fati 7 years ago

Dear M. Amar,

It's been almost two years since you posted this topic, so I hope that you found the answer you were looking for! If so, can you please suggest me some depressants for carbonate?!

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