Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) Mixing Systems (1 reply)

6 years ago
InsideMet 6 years ago

Hi All,

I have developed a flowsheet to treat a copper sulphide ore that contains a significant level of talc. The flowsheet calls for doses of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in excess of 300g/t to produce a saleable concentrate. The CMC will be purchased as a powder and will need to be mixed on site prior to being dosed to the process. Please note that dry additions to CMC powder to the mills have proven to be ineffective in the laboratory, even at doses in excess of 1000g/t. CMC was also far more effective than dextrin in the laboratory.

I'm looking for CMC mixing flowsheet suggestions from those with industrial experience preparing CMC solutions. What equipment have you used? Did it work? What issues did the system have? What strength were you able to mix to? Also, can you use high shear mechanisms to perform the CMC mix as the food industry does or will this have a detrimental effect on the activity of the CMC?

The current mixing system that I have in mind utilizes an eductor (mixing nozzle) to initially wet 180kg/h of CMC powder into solution in an agitated tank. This solution is then recirculated using a high shear mixing pump to homogenize the CMC solution. The homogenized solution is then transferred to a stock tank to further hydrate prior to dosing to the process.

Trials conducted using an eductor have produced satisfactory mixes at a solution strength of 0.5%w/w. However, about 20% of the CMC added to the mix falls out as a hydrated gel (not fish eyes, but not fully dispersed either). As mix strength increases, the proportion present as a gel in the mixing tank increases. Hence the suggested addition of a recirculation stage to the mixing process.

Very grateful for input from anyone experienced in this area. Cheers!

6 years ago
David 6 years ago

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