Commissioning services for the copper flotation plant (5 replies and 1 comment)

7 years ago
CenkUretencan 7 years ago

Dear colleagues,

From which companies I can get commissioning sevices for the medium scale copper flotation plant, I would request commissioning plan, procedures etc, and on site services. I know such services could be provided by the giant engineering companies, such as Jacobs, Hatch, Tetratech, Amec FW, however we have some budget constraints and much small companies needed to get a reasonable price.

Thanks in advance


7 years ago
ChrisBucknell 7 years ago

Where is the project?

7 years ago

In Turkey

7 years ago
Brighton 7 years ago

Good day sir,
Thank you for your valued enquiry - much appreciated. we can certainly assist you with commissioning of your plant. We are based in South Africa but we can send a team of operators and engineers where ever the plant is at competitive mutually rates. Please check our company details on our website. We are accredited and have lots of experience in commisiioning plants of differing sizes from small pilot plants to massive plants. you can also contact us through email on or You can also call me or our land line and ask for Brighton Gwavava (Technical consultant/MD). I hope this will help.


7 years ago
Hamid2017 7 years ago
Dear Sir,
Our company is based in Canada and has office in Germany as well. We did a lot off commissioning assistance for our clients all over the world for all type of minerals and different capacities. also presented paper for this type of job in the 2016 CMP conference, you can get more info about our  company from the website, you also can call me directly.
Looking forward to be in your assistance to implement your project.
Hamidreza Kebriaei
7 years ago
saguero 7 years ago

Hey Cenk...have you tried WESTPRO machinery?


Todd H
6 years ago
Todd H 6 years ago

Did you find a suitable company to help with commissioning?  I work for a small engineering company and could assist with the work. I have commissioned a lot of plants and have worked all over the world in copper and gold plants.  It just depends on what you need - electrical and mechanical commissioning, dry test, wet tests, start up, on going support.  We can certainly find a cost and payment system to suit your needs.

Look us up at



Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

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