Copper -Gold flotation (1 reply)

6 years ago
Mike 6 years ago

A lot of questions have been asked recently about a copper/gold processing system, particularly the separating of them at the process plant.  Yes, this is difficult, partly due to the issue of gold being easily floatable and copper eating up a lot of cyanide.  For the the simplest way at the process plant level it would generally be a combined flotation, followed by an ammonical (ammonia based) leach of the copper, and then cyanide for the copper, but this is far from easy.  (Simple does not mean easy).  

The way most of the majors handle it is to smelt the copper concentrate and then do a sx/ex process to refine the copper and then cyanide the sx/ew sludge.

Again simple, but not easy.

The simple and easy way is not to worry about it.  Just go for a good grade and recovery at the process plant, and let the smelter/refiner pay you gold credits in the copper concentrate.   While you may not max the gold value, you will save time and money on your process.

But then this is just my opinion.

6 years ago
David 6 years ago

Yep, I totally agree. Those new at this are excessively concerned with recovery and of each 'separate metal'.

Too often I need to ask do you want to make metal or make money?

Not the same thing. 

There are several bankrupt metal makers out there...

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