Copper/gold mine. Flotation help with oxidized ore. (3 replies and 1 comment)

4 years ago
Ryder1337 4 years ago


Our pit right now is in a big batch of oxidized ore, there trying to split feed wither another cleaner ore body.


Our cleaner recovery is always good, it’s just our rougher recovery always drops about 5-8 percent when we get into this oxidized ore.

I have tried running the roughers deeper, shallower, less air more frother, more air less frother. More reagents less reagents. 


Tried to get every cell to not boil over as well, we have 4 rougher cells and 6 scavenger cells. We use pax and aero. The issue with using anymore then 6g of pax is the high iron that gets into the cleaners.

do you guys have any insight on rougher flotation with a partial blend of oxidized ore.


thank you

Todd H
4 years ago
Todd H 4 years ago

That is a tough one, there is not much you can do about oxide minerals in a sulfide float.  You can try some sulfidizers like NaHS that might help the oxides be more floatable, perhaps some copper sulfate but you run the risk of floating more iron.  Sorry I dont have a lot of good advice for you, if the minerals are fully oxidized you are a bit stuck with this type of performance.  If it is just oxidized coatings perhaps changing the grind a bit might help as well, if possible.


Todd Harvey - Global Resource Engineering

4 years ago

hi , dear our company is supplier of the sodium sulphide and sodium hydrosulfide from China , if you need it we can support it ,

4 years ago
Jorge 4 years ago

The first solution is always to evaluate the effect of Na2S. Sometimes, there are good results. The mineralogy plays an important role. You can add Na2S in the rougher or scavenger circuit. You should know that the air promotes the degradation of Na2S, for that reason its efficiency is in the first cells.

Other possible solution is to add PAX and Cytec Promoter 6494, which is an hydroxamate. The addition of 6494 depends on the content of copper oxide ore. The pH should not be more than 10. The addition of soda ash could be useful to regulate the pH.

If you don't have a cleaner-scavenger circuit, try to include it. This circuit can reduce part of copper lost in the cleaner tails. Other point to review is your retention time in the rougher and scavenger circuits. This kind of ore may need more flotation time.

4 years ago
(unknown) 4 years ago

hi , dear our company is supplier of the sodium sulphide and sodium hydrosulfide from China , if you need it we can support it ,

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