Flexibility on flotation circuits (1 reply and 1 comment)

Hugo Delgado
6 years ago
Hugo Delgado 6 years ago

There are different flotation circuits designs, each one different from the other, so, when we talk about flexibility on flotation circuits designs?, how can we know that? On the other hand, how can we measure the resiliency on this circuits? These are difficult concepts to apply and understand.

Hope you can help me.

6 years ago
Jorge 6 years ago
1 like by Azadeh

The flexibility is related to capability of the circuit to treat different ore types changing some streams. For example, if the plant process a high grade ore, the concentrate from the first rougher cell can feed the second or third cleaning stage. Another possible change is to regrind the scavenger concentrate when the plants treats a low grade ore. The idea is to liberate more the valuable minerals. In this case the initial design combines the rougher concentrate and the scavenger concentrate in a single product which is treated in the cleaner circuit. Another possible changes can be considered in the cleaner circuit, for example, the 1st cleaner tails can feed the 1st cleaner-scavenger circuit or alternatively can be reground. In both cases, the product feeds the first cleaner circuit.

The changes in the streams are considered during the operation, and the best way to measure results is to evaluate the concentrate quality and the recovery of valuable metals. Results are an indication of the ability to handle changes in the flotation circuit. Changes are carried out considering the problems that appear due to the variation in the ore characteristics.

6 years ago

Thanks for your complete explanation.

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