Flotation Troubleshooting (2 replies and 1 comment)

12 months ago
Cueballmet 12 months ago


Fairly new to the flotation process. I'd like to ask for some insights in flotation troubleshooting. I work in a gold process plant with a rougher flotation circuit that concentrates gold bearing sulphides. Presently we are experiencing a noticeable drop in recovery and are investigating. Laboratory testwork conducted under plant parameters (density, grind, reagent dosage) yield recoveries that are much higher than plant performance. This suggests that the drop in performance should be caused by an operational or equipment issue on the plant. Visual inspections on the flotation cells do not reveal any deformities with the flotation cells on plant. What could we be missing? Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

12 months ago
Mike 12 months ago
1 like by Cueballmet

Check your water chemistry in the circuit compared to lab.  This may require a detailed analysis beyoond pH and such.  Verify that actual grind is what you expecct.  Also check air flow to each cell and agitator wear. Also check for material buildup in cell bottoms and in cell to cell transfer.

11 months ago

Thanks, we have not considered water chemistry, what kind of analysis would be recommended? Concerning air flow to each cell, ours are naturally aspirated Wemco cells. These have variable air flow rates as designed in order to meet air demand based on Cell slurry conditions from my knowledge and discussion with OEM. We have measurements on air addition but no meaningful correlations have been made between air addition rates and flotation recoveries.

11 months ago
Mike 11 months ago

Start with standard: pH and dissolved solids, then look at any trace chemicals such as depressants and such.  

As to air flow make sure you are actually geeting the air to the impellers and that there is no build up restricing the air flow.  

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