Froth Flotation Process (1 reply and 1 comment)

1 year ago
Seeker 1 year ago

Please help!
I had ceramic capacitors weighing 50 kilograms. I pulverized them into a fine powder after removing their pins. The valuable metals palladium, platinum, iridium, gold, and silver are now present in that powder. Can I use the froth flotation process to separate these valuable metals from the powder? Since pine oil is used for sulfide ores and most literature on the separation of metals using froth flotation claims that it works on them, if so, what other kinds of chemicals do I need to employ for this?

1 year ago
Mike 1 year ago

It will be very difficult as the metals you seek are ultra fine usually.  Hydrometallurgy would work better.

1 year ago

I am sorry Sir, I come from VietNam and I do not know where can I insert a question. Could you please show me how the PH effect on mass pull of Nikel flotation

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