Froth Fltation (1 reply)

4 years ago
rockhound193482 4 years ago

We shut down last November when it was freezing, up to that time we had no problem with an abundance of froth in the rougher and scavenger cells.We were successfully grinding and floating a black sand concentrate with extremely fine black sand and very fine Gold.

This year we decided not to grind as all the successful flotation tests we had done were on our ore passing 8 mesh or 0.0937 screen. When feeding the un-ground ore to the flotation plant the problem we are having now is we cannot produce any froth. we have dropped the feed to the flotation tanks and have increased the reagents. The reagents we have on hand are Pax, Mibc and Danafloat 068.

This does not make any sense to us and feel we are missing something and any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks Orv





4 years ago
Mike 4 years ago

This can come from several different factors from the gold not be being free and as such you do not have enough surface area on the particles for bubble attachment enough to float, to having too much reagent to get proper attachment (and yes that can and does happen).

The most likely case is that the gold has an existing surface coating that makes it hydrophobic preventing bubble attachment.  And your previous grinding efforts were actually scrubbing the particle surface (and creating new surfaces) for bubble attachment.  

If you can do any test work (lab test etc) try a high intensity scrubbing stage before the flotation (tank with agitator).

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